Title: | Functions to Help in your Coding Etiquette |
Description: | Adds some functions to help in your coding etiquette. 'tinycodet' primarily focuses on 4 aspects. 1) Safer decimal (in)equality testing, standard-evaluated alternatives to with() and aes(), and other functions for safer coding. 2) A new package import system, that attempts to combine the benefits of using a package without attaching it, with the benefits of attaching a package. 3) Extending the string manipulation capabilities of the 'stringi' R package. 4) Reducing repetitive code. Besides linking to 'Rcpp', 'tinycodet' has only one other dependency, namely 'stringi'. |
Authors: | Tony Wilkes [aut, cre, cph] |
Maintainer: | Tony Wilkes <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.5.4 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 06:18:55 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/tony-aw/tinycodet |
'tinycodet' adds some functions to help in your coding etiquette.
It primarily focuses on 4 aspects:
(1) Safer decimal (in)equality testing,
standard-evaluated alternatives to with()
and aes()
and other functions for safer coding;
see tinycodet_safer.
(2) A new package import system,
that attempts to combine the benefits of using a package without attaching it,
with the benefits of attaching a package;
see tinycodet_import
(3) Extending the string manipulation capabilities of the 'stringi' R-package;
see tinycodet_strings.
(4) Reducing repetitive code;
see tinycodet_dry.
And some miscellaneous functionality; see tinycodet_misc.
Please check the Change-log
(see links below)
regularly for updates (such as bug fixes).
'tinycodet' adheres to the
Besides linking to 'Rcpp', 'tinycodet' only has one other dependency:
No other dependencies, thus avoiding "dependency hell".
Most functions in this R-package are vectorized and optimised.
Maintainer: Tony Wilkes [email protected] (ORCID)
The badges shown in the documentation of this R-package were made using the services of: https://shields.io/
Useful links:
'tinycodet' GitHub main page and Read-Me: https://github.com/tony-aw/tinycodet/
'tinycodet' package website: https://tony-aw.github.io/tinycodet/
Report bugs at: https://github.com/tony-aw/tinycodet/issues/
Changelog: https://github.com/tony-aw/tinycodet/blob/main/NEWS.md/ or
The 'fastverse', which is related to the 'tinyverse': https://github.com/fastverse/fastverse/
To help make your code safer, the 'tinycodet' R-package introduces a few functions:
Standard evaluated versions of some common expression-evaluation functions:
with_pro and aes_pro.
The lock_TF function to
set and lock T
and F
The %<-c% operator to assign locked constants.
safer_partialmatch to set options for
safer dollar, arguments, and attribute matching.
x <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.7) y <- c(0.1*3, 0.1*6, 0.1*7) x == y # gives FALSE, but should be TRUE x %d==% y # here it's done correctly
x <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.7) y <- c(0.1*3, 0.1*6, 0.1*7) x == y # gives FALSE, but should be TRUE x %d==% y # here it's done correctly
The 'tinycodet' R-package introduces a new package import system.
One can use a package without attaching the package -
for example by using the :: operator.
Or, one can explicitly attach a package -
for example by using the library function.
The advantages and disadvantages
of using without attaching a package versus attaching a package,
at least those relevant here,
are compactly presented in the following list:
(1) Prevent masking functions from other packages:
(2) Prevent masking core R functions:
(3) Clarify which function came from which package:
(4) Enable functions only in current/local environment instead of globally:
(5) Prevent namespace pollution:
(6) Minimise typing - especially for infix operators
(i.e. typing package::`%op%`(x, y)
instead of x %op% y
is cumbersome):
(7) Use multiple related packages,
without constantly switching between package prefixes
(i.e. doing packagename1::some_function1()
; packagename2::some_function2()
; packagename3::some_function3()
is chaotic and cumbersome):
What 'tinycodet' attempts to do with its import system,
is to somewhat find the best of both worlds.
It does this by introducing the following functions:
import_as: Import a main package, and optionally its re-exports + its direct dependencies + its direct extensions, under a single alias. This essentially combines the attaching advantage of using multiple related packages (item 7 on the list), whilst keeping most advantages of using without attaching a package.
import_inops: Expose infix operators from a package or an alias object to the current environment. This gains the attaching advantage of less typing (item 6 on the list), whilst simultaneously avoiding the disadvantage of attaching functions from a package globally (item 4 on the list).
import_data: Directly return a data set from a package, to allow straight-forward assignment.
Furthermore, there are two miscellaneous import_
- functions:
import_LL and import_int.
The import system also includes general helper functions:
The x.import functions: helper functions specifically for the 'tinycodet' import system.
The pversion_ functions: check mismatch between loaded package version and package version in library path.
The pkgs - functions: general helper functions regarding packages.
See the examples section below to get an idea of how the 'tinycodet' import system works in practice. More examples can be found on the website (https://tony-aw.github.io/tinycodet/)
When to Use or Not to Use the 'tinycodet' Import System
The 'tinycodet' import system is helpful particularly
for packages that have at least one of the following properties:
The namespace of the package(s) conflicts with other packages.
The namespace of the package(s) conflicts with core R, or with those of recommended R packages.
The package(s) have function names that are generic enough, such that it is not obvious which function came from which package.
See examples below.
There is no necessity for using the 'tinycodet' import system with every single package.
One can safely attach the 'stringi' package, for example,
as 'stringi' uses a unique and immediately recognisable naming scheme
(virtually all 'stringi' functions start with "stri_
and this naming scheme does not conflict with core R, nor with most other packages.
Of course, if one wishes to use a package (like
'stringi') only within a specific environment,
it becomes advantageous to still import the package using the 'tinycodet' import system.
In that case the import_LL function would be most applicable.
Some Additional Comments on the 'tinycodet' Import System
(S3) Methods will automatically be registered.
Pronouns, such as the .data
and .env
from the 'rlang' package, will work without any prefixes required.
All functions imported by the import_as, import_inops, or import_LL functions have a "package" attribute, so you will always know which function came from which package.
all(c("dplyr", "powerjoin", "magrittr") %installed in% .libPaths()) # NO packages are being attached in any of the following code # import 'dplyr' + its re-exports + extension 'powerjoin', under alias "dpr.": import_as( ~ dpr., "dplyr", re_exports = TRUE, extensions = "powerjoin" ) # exposing infix operators from 'magrrittr' to current environment: import_inops("magrittr") # directly assigning dplyr's "starwars" dataset to object "d": d <- import_data("dplyr", "starwars") # See it in Action: d %>% dpr.$filter(species == "Droid") %>% dpr.$select(name, dpr.$ends_with("color")) male_penguins <- dpr.$tribble( ~name, ~species, ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g, "Giordan", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 222L, 5250L, "Lynden", "Adelie", "Torgersen", 190L, 3900L, "Reiner", "Adelie", "Dream", 185L, 3650L ) female_penguins <- dpr.$tribble( ~name, ~species, ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g, "Alonda", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 211, 4500L, "Ola", "Adelie", "Dream", 190, 3600L, "Mishayla", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 215, 4750L, ) dpr.$check_specs() dpr.$power_inner_join( male_penguins[c("species", "island")], female_penguins[c("species", "island")] ) mypaste <- function(x, y) { import_LL("stringi", selection = "stri_c") stringi::stri_c(x, y) } mypaste("hello ", "world")
all(c("dplyr", "powerjoin", "magrittr") %installed in% .libPaths()) # NO packages are being attached in any of the following code # import 'dplyr' + its re-exports + extension 'powerjoin', under alias "dpr.": import_as( ~ dpr., "dplyr", re_exports = TRUE, extensions = "powerjoin" ) # exposing infix operators from 'magrrittr' to current environment: import_inops("magrittr") # directly assigning dplyr's "starwars" dataset to object "d": d <- import_data("dplyr", "starwars") # See it in Action: d %>% dpr.$filter(species == "Droid") %>% dpr.$select(name, dpr.$ends_with("color")) male_penguins <- dpr.$tribble( ~name, ~species, ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g, "Giordan", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 222L, 5250L, "Lynden", "Adelie", "Torgersen", 190L, 3900L, "Reiner", "Adelie", "Dream", 185L, 3650L ) female_penguins <- dpr.$tribble( ~name, ~species, ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g, "Alonda", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 211, 4500L, "Ola", "Adelie", "Dream", 190, 3600L, "Mishayla", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 215, 4750L, ) dpr.$check_specs() dpr.$power_inner_join( male_penguins[c("species", "island")], female_penguins[c("species", "island")] ) mypaste <- function(x, y) { import_LL("stringi", selection = "stri_c") stringi::stri_c(x, y) } mypaste("hello ", "world")
R's numerical functions are generally very fast.
But R's native string functions are somewhat slow,
do not have a unified naming scheme,
and are not as comprehensive as R's impressive numerical functions.
The primary R-package that fixes this is 'stringi',
which many, if not most, string related packages depend on
(see the list of reverse-dependencies on CRAN).
As string manipulation is important to programming languages,
even those primarily focused on mathematics,
'tinycodet' adds a little bit new functionality to 'stringi'.
'tinycodet' adds the following functions to extend 'stringi':
Find pattern occurrence (stri_locate_ith),
text boundary (stri_locate_ith_boundaries).
'tinycodet' adds the following operators, to complement the already existing 'stringi' operators:
Infix operators for string arithmetic.
Infix operators for string sub-setting,
which get or remove the first and/or last n
characters from strings.
Infix operators for detecting patterns,
and strfind()<- for locating/extracting/replacing found patterns.
And finally, 'tinycodet' adds the somewhat separate
to cut strings into pieces without removing the delimiters.
Generally speaking, vector recycling is supported as 'stringi' itself supports it also.
There are, however, a few exceptions.
First, matrix inputs
(like in strcut_loc and string sub-setting operators)
will generally not be recycled.
Second, the i
argument in stri_locate_ith does not support vector recycling.
Scalar recycling is virtually always supported.
Gagolewski M., stringi: Fast and portable character string processing in R, Journal of Statistical Software 103(2), 2022, 1–59, doi:10.18637/jss.v103.i02
# character vector: x <- c("3rd 1st 2nd", "5th 4th 6th") print(x) # detect if there are digits: x %s{}% "\\d" # find second last digit: loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, i = -2, regex = "\\d") stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) # cut x into matrix of individual words: mat <- strcut_brk(x, "word") # sort rows of matrix using the fast %row~% operator: rank <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" # join elements of every row into a single character vector: stri_c_mat(sorted, margin = 1, sep = " ")
# character vector: x <- c("3rd 1st 2nd", "5th 4th 6th") print(x) # detect if there are digits: x %s{}% "\\d" # find second last digit: loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, i = -2, regex = "\\d") stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) # cut x into matrix of individual words: mat <- strcut_brk(x, "word") # sort rows of matrix using the fast %row~% operator: rank <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" # join elements of every row into a single character vector: stri_c_mat(sorted, margin = 1, sep = " ")
"Don't Repeat Yourself", sometimes abbreviated as "DRY", is the coding principle not to write unnecessarily repetitive code. To help in that effort, the 'tinycodet' R-package introduces a few functions:
The transform_if function
The subset_if operators and the in-place unreal modifier operator.
object <- matrix(c(-9:8, NA, NA) , ncol=2) # in base R: ifelse( # repetitive, and gives unnecessary warning is.na(object > 0), -Inf, ifelse( object > 0, log(object), object^2 ) ) mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl>6] <- (mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl>6])^2 # long # with tinycodet: object |> transform_if(\(x) x > 0, log, \(x) x^2, \(x) -Inf) # compact & no warning mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl > 6] %:=% \(x) x^2 # short
object <- matrix(c(-9:8, NA, NA) , ncol=2) # in base R: ifelse( # repetitive, and gives unnecessary warning is.na(object > 0), -Inf, ifelse( object > 0, log(object), object^2 ) ) mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl>6] <- (mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl>6])^2 # long # with tinycodet: object |> transform_if(\(x) x > 0, log, \(x) x^2, \(x) -Inf) # compact & no warning mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl > 6] %:=% \(x) x^2 # short
Some additional functions provided by the 'tinycodet' R-package:
Infix logical operators for exclusive-or, not-and, not-in, number-type, and string-type.
Infix operators for row- and column-wise re-ordering of matrices.
Report infix operators present in the current environment, or a specified environment.
source_selection to source only selected objects.
Atomic type casting in R is generally performed using the functions
as.logical, as.integer,
as.double, as.character,
as.complex, and as.raw.
Converting an object between atomic types using these functions
strips the object of its attributes,
including (dim)names and dimensions.
The functions provided here by the 'tinycodet' package
preserve the dimensions, dimnames, and names.
The functions are as follows:
: converts object to atomic type logical
: converts object to atomic type integer
: converts object to atomic type double
(AKA decimal numbers).
: converts object to atomic type character
: converts object to atomic type complex
:converts object to atomic type raw
as_bool(x, ...) as_int(x, ...) as_dbl(x, ...) as_chr(x, ...) as_cplx(x, ...) as_raw(x, ...)
as_bool(x, ...) as_int(x, ...) as_dbl(x, ...) as_chr(x, ...) as_cplx(x, ...) as_raw(x, ...)
x |
vector, matrix, array (or a similar object where all elements share the same type). |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The converted object.
# matrix example ==== x <- matrix(sample(-1:28), ncol = 5) colnames(x) <- month.name[1:5] rownames(x) <- month.abb[1:6] names(x) <- c(letters[1:20], LETTERS[1:10]) print(x) as_bool(x) as_int(x) as_dbl(x) as_chr(x) as_cplx(x) as_raw(x) ################################################################################ # factor example ==== x <- factor(month.abb, levels = month.abb) names(x) <- month.name print(x) as_bool(as_int(x) > 6) as_int(x) as_dbl(x) as_chr(x) as_cplx(x) as_raw(x)
# matrix example ==== x <- matrix(sample(-1:28), ncol = 5) colnames(x) <- month.name[1:5] rownames(x) <- month.abb[1:6] names(x) <- c(letters[1:20], LETTERS[1:10]) print(x) as_bool(x) as_int(x) as_dbl(x) as_chr(x) as_cplx(x) as_raw(x) ################################################################################ # factor example ==== x <- factor(month.abb, levels = month.abb) names(x) <- month.name print(x) as_bool(as_int(x) > 6) as_int(x) as_dbl(x) as_chr(x) as_cplx(x) as_raw(x)
The %d==%, %d!=% %d<%, %d>%, %d<=%, %d>=%
(in)equality operators
perform decimal (type "double") number truth testing.
They are virtually equivalent to the regular (in)equality operators, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
except for 2 aspects:
The decimal number (in)equality operators assume that
if the absolute difference between any 2 numbers
and y
is smaller than the Machine tolerance,
then x
and y
should be consider to be equal.
For example: (0.1 * 7) == 0.7
returns FALSE
, even though they are equal,
due to the way decimal numbers are stored in programming languages like 'R' and 'Python'.
But (0.1 * 7) %d==% 0.7
returns TRUE
Only numeric input is allowed, so characters are not coerced to numbers.
I.e. 1 < "a"
gives TRUE
, whereas 1 %d<% "a"
gives an error.
For character equality testing, see %s==% from the 'stringi' package.
Thus these operators provide safer decimal number (in)equality tests.
There are also the x %d{}% bnd
and x %d!{}% bnd
where bnd
is a vector of length 2,
or a 2-column matrix (nrow(bnd)==length(x)
or nrow(bnd)==1
The x %d{}% bnd
operator checks if x
is within the closed interval with bounds defined by bnd
The x %d!{}% bnd
operator checks if x
is outside the closed interval with bounds defined by bnd
Moreover, the function is_wholenumber()
is added, to safely test for whole numbers.
x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y x %d{}% bnd x %d!{}% bnd is_wholenumber(x, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y x %d{}% bnd x %d!{}% bnd is_wholenumber(x, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
x , y
numeric vectors, matrices, or arrays. |
bnd |
either a vector of length 2, or a matrix with 2 columns and 1 row,
or else a matrix with 2 columns where |
tol |
a single, strictly positive number close to zero, giving the tolerance. |
For the %d...%
A logical vector with the same dimensions as x
indicating the result of the element by element comparison.
by Inf
and -Inf
by -Inf
comparisons with
the %d...%
operators return NA
For is_wholenumber()
A logical vector with the same dimensions as x
indicating the result of the element by element comparison.
, -Inf
, NaN
and NA
all return NA
for is_wholenumber()
x <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.7) y <- c(0.1 * 3, 0.1 * 6, 0.1 * 7) print(x) print(y) x == y # gives FALSE, but should be TRUE x != y # gives TRUE, should be FALSE x > y # not wrong x < y # gives TRUE, should be FALSE # same as above, but here the results are correct: x %d==% y # correct x %d!=% y # correct x %d<% y # correct x %d>% y # correct x %d<=% y # correct x %d>=% y # correct # check if numbers are in closed interval: x <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.7) bnd <- cbind(x - 0.1, x + 0.1) x %d{}% bnd x %d!{}% bnd # These operators work for integers also: x <- 1L:5L y <- 1L:5L x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y x <- 1L:5L y <- x + 1L x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y x <- 1L:5L y <- x - 1L x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y # is_wholenumber: is_wholenumber(1:10 + c(0, 0.1))
x <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.7) y <- c(0.1 * 3, 0.1 * 6, 0.1 * 7) print(x) print(y) x == y # gives FALSE, but should be TRUE x != y # gives TRUE, should be FALSE x > y # not wrong x < y # gives TRUE, should be FALSE # same as above, but here the results are correct: x %d==% y # correct x %d!=% y # correct x %d<% y # correct x %d>% y # correct x %d<=% y # correct x %d>=% y # correct # check if numbers are in closed interval: x <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.7) bnd <- cbind(x - 0.1, x + 0.1) x %d{}% bnd x %d!{}% bnd # These operators work for integers also: x <- 1L:5L y <- 1L:5L x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y x <- 1L:5L y <- x + 1L x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y x <- 1L:5L y <- x - 1L x %d==% y x %d!=% y x %d<% y x %d>% y x %d<=% y x %d>=% y # is_wholenumber: is_wholenumber(1:10 + c(0, 0.1))
The import_as()
imports the namespace of an R-package,
and optionally also its re-exports, dependencies, and extensions,
all under the same alias.
The specified alias,
containing the exported functions from the specified packages,
will be placed in the current environment.
import_as( alias, main_package, re_exports = TRUE, dependencies = NULL, extensions = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths(), import_order = c("dependencies", "main_package", "extensions") )
import_as( alias, main_package, re_exports = TRUE, dependencies = NULL, extensions = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths(), import_order = c("dependencies", "main_package", "extensions") )
alias |
a syntactically valid non-hidden name giving the alias object
where the package(s) are to be imported into. |
main_package |
a single string,
giving the name of the main package to import under the given alias. |
re_exports |
dependencies |
an optional character vector,
giving the names of the dependencies of the
extensions |
an optional character vector,
giving the names of the extensions of the
lib.loc |
character vector specifying library search path
(the location of R library trees to search through). |
import_order |
the character vector |
Expanded Definitions of Some Arguments
"Re-exports" are functions that are defined in the dependencies of the
, but are re-exported in the namespace of the main_package
Unlike the Dependencies
argument, functions from core R are included in re-exports.
"Dependencies" are here defined as any R-package appearing in the
"Depends", "Imports", or "LinkingTo" fields of the Description file of the
. So no recursive dependencies.
"Extensions" are reverse-dependencies that actually extend the functionality of the
Programmatically, some package "E" is considered an extension of some
if the following is TRUE
: "main_package" %in%
Why Aliasing Multiple Packages is Useful
To use an R-package with its extension packages or dependencies,
whilst avoiding the disadvantages of attaching a package (see tinycodet_import),
one would traditionally use the :: operator like so:
main_package::some_function1() dependency1::some_function2() extension1::some_function3()
This becomes cumbersome as more packages are needed and/or
as the package name(s) become longer.
The import_as()
function avoids this issue
by allowing multiple related packages to be imported under a single alias,
allowing one to code like this:
import_as( ~ alias., "main_package", dependencies = "dependency1", extensions = "extension1", lib.loc = .libPaths() ) alias.$some_function1() alias.$some_function2() alias.$some_function3()
Thus importing a package, or multiple directly related packages, under a single alias,
which import_as()
provides, avoids the above issues.
Importing a package under an alias is referred to as "aliasing" a package.
Alias Naming Recommendation
To keep package alias object names easily distinguishable from other objects
that can also be subset with the $ operator,
I recommend ending (not starting!) all alias names
with a dot (.
) or underscore (_
Regarding import_order
The order of the character vector given in
the dependencies
and extensions
arguments matters.
If multiple packages share objects with the same name,
the objects of the package named last will overwrite those of the earlier named packages.
The import_order
argument defaults to the character vector c("dependencies", "main_package", "extensions")
which is the recommended setting.
This setting results in the following importing order:
The dependencies, in the order specified by the depenencies
The main_package (see argument main_package
including re-exports (if re_exports = TRUE
The extensions, in the order specified by the extensions
Other Details
Packages that appear in the "Suggests" or "Enhances" fields of packages
are not considered dependencies or extensions.
No more than 10 packages
(ignoring re-exports)
are allowed to be imported under a single alias.
A locked environment object, similar to the output of loadNamespace,
with the name as specified in the alias
will be created.
This object, referred to as the "(package) alias object",
will contain the exported functions from the specified package(s).
The alias object will be placed in the current environment.
To use, for example, function "some_function()" from alias "alias.", use: alias.$some_function()
To see the special attributes of this alias object, use attr.import.
To "unimport" the package alias object, simply remove it
(i.e. rm(list = "alias.")
all(c("data.table", "tidytable") %installed in% .libPaths()) import_as( # this creates the 'tdt.' object "tdt.", "tidytable", dependencies = "data.table" ) # same as: import_as( ~ tdt., "tidytable", dependencies = "data.table" )
all(c("data.table", "tidytable") %installed in% .libPaths()) import_as( # this creates the 'tdt.' object "tdt.", "tidytable", dependencies = "data.table" ) # same as: import_as( ~ tdt., "tidytable", dependencies = "data.table" )
The import_data()
function gets a specified data set from a package.
Unlike utils::data()
, the import_data()
function returns the data set directly,
and allows assigning the data set like so: mydata <- import_data(...)
import_data(package, dataname, lib.loc = .libPaths())
import_data(package, dataname, lib.loc = .libPaths())
package |
a single string, giving the name of the R-package. |
dataname |
a single string, giving the name of the data set. |
lib.loc |
character vector specifying library search path
(the location of R library trees to search through). |
Returns the data directly.
Thus, one can assign the data like so: mydata <- import_data(...)
d <- import_data("datasets", "cars") head(d)
d <- import_data("datasets", "cars") head(d)
import_inops(expose = ...)
exposes infix operators specified
in a package or an alias object to the current environment. import_inops(unexpose = ...)
"unexposes" (i.e. removes) the infix operators specified
in a package or an alias object
from the current environment.
Note that in this case only infix operators exposed by
the 'tinycodet' import system
will be removed from the current environment;
"regular" (i.e. user-defined) infix operators will not be touched.
To attach all infix operators from a package to the global namespace,
one can use the pkg_lsf function like so:
y <- pkg_lsf("packagename", type = "inops") library(packagename, include.only = y)
import_inops(expose = NULL, unexpose = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths(), ...)
import_inops(expose = NULL, unexpose = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths(), ...)
expose , unexpose
either one of the following:
lib.loc |
character vector specifying library search path
(the location of R library trees to search through). |
... |
additional arguments,
only relevant if the |
Why Exposing Infix Operators Is Useful
To use a function from an R-package,
while avoiding the disadvantages of attaching a package
(see tinycodet_import),
one would traditionally use the :: operator like so:
This is, however, cumbersome with infix operators, as it forces one to code like this:
Exposing infix operators to the current environment,
using the import_inops()
allows one to use infix operators without using cumbersome code,
and without having to attach the infix operators globally.
Other Details
The import_inops()
function does not support overloading base/core R operators.
When using import_inops()
to remove infix operators from the current environment,
it will use the attributes of those operators to determine if the infix operator came from
the 'tinycodet' import system or not.
Only infix operators exposed by the 'tinycodet' import system will be removed.
If using argument expose
The infix operators specified in the given package or alias will be placed
in the current environment.
If using argument unexpose
The infix operators specified in the given package or alias,
exposed by import_inops()
, will be removed from the current environment.
If such infix operators could not be found, this function simply returns NULL
tinycodet_import, import_inops.control()
, report_inops()
import_inops(expose = "stringi") # expose infix operators from package import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") # remove the exposed infix operators from environment import_as(~ stri., "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri.) # expose infix operators from alias import_inops(unexpose = stri.) # unexposed infix operators from current environment # additional arguments (only used when exposing, not unexposing): import_inops(expose = "stringi", exclude = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") import_inops(expose = "stringi", overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") import_as(~ stri., "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri., include.only = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = stri.) import_inops(expose = stri., overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = stri.)
import_inops(expose = "stringi") # expose infix operators from package import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") # remove the exposed infix operators from environment import_as(~ stri., "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri.) # expose infix operators from alias import_inops(unexpose = stri.) # unexposed infix operators from current environment # additional arguments (only used when exposing, not unexposing): import_inops(expose = "stringi", exclude = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") import_inops(expose = "stringi", overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") import_as(~ stri., "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri., include.only = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = stri.) import_inops(expose = stri., overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = stri.)
Additional arguments to control exposing infix operators in the import_inops function.
import_inops.control( exclude = NULL, include.only = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, inherits = FALSE )
import_inops.control( exclude = NULL, include.only = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, inherits = FALSE )
exclude |
a character vector,
giving the infix operators NOT to expose to the current environment. |
include.only |
a character vector,
giving the infix operators to expose to the current environment,
and the rest of the operators will not be exposed. |
overwrite |
logical, indicating if it is allowed to overwrite existing infix operators.
inherits |
logical. |
You cannot specify both the exclude
and include.only
Only one or the other, or neither.
This function is used internally in the import_inops function.
, tinycodet_import()
# additional arguments (only used when exposing, not unexposing): import_as(~ stri., "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri., include.only = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = stri.) import_inops(expose = "stringi", exclude = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri., overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = stri.) import_inops(expose = "stringi", overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = "stringi")
# additional arguments (only used when exposing, not unexposing): import_as(~ stri., "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri., include.only = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = stri.) import_inops(expose = "stringi", exclude = "%s==%") import_inops(unexpose = "stringi") import_inops(expose = stri., overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = stri.) import_inops(expose = "stringi", overwrite = FALSE) import_inops(unexpose = "stringi")
The import_LL()
places specific functions from a package in the current environment,
and also locks (see lockBinding) the specified functions to prevent modification.
The primary use-case for this function is for exposing functions inside a local environment.
The import_int()
directly returns an internal function from a package.
It is similar to the ::: operator, but with 2 key differences:
includes the lib.loc
only searches internal functions, not exported ones.
This makes it clearer in your code that you're using an internal function,
instead of making it ambiguous.
import_LL(package, selection, lib.loc = .libPaths()) import_int(form, lib.loc = .libPaths())
import_LL(package, selection, lib.loc = .libPaths()) import_int(form, lib.loc = .libPaths())
package |
a single string,
giving the name of the package to take functions from. |
selection |
a character vector of function names
(both regular functions and infix operators). |
lib.loc |
character vector specifying library search path
(the location of R library trees to search through). |
form |
a two-sided formula, with one term on each side. |
Regarding the Locks in import_LL()
The import_as function returns a locked environment,
just like loadNamespace,
thus protecting the functions from accidental modification or re-assignment.
The import_inops function returns infix operators,
and though these are not locked,
one needs to surround infix operators by back ticks to re-assign or modify them,
which is unlikely to happen on accident.
The import_LL()
function, however, returns "loose" functions.
And these functions
(unless they are infix operators)
do not have the protection due to a locked environment or due to the syntax.
Therefore, to ensure safety from (accidental) modification or re-assignment,
the import_LL()
function locks these functions (see lockBinding).
For consistency, infix operators exposed by import_LL()
are also locked.
Other Details
The import_LL()
and import_int()
do not support importing functions from base/core R.
For import_LL()
The specified functions will be placed in the current environment,
and locked.
To unexpose or overwrite the functions, simply remove them; i.e.: rm(list=c("some_function1", "some_function2")
For import_int()
The function itself is returned directly.
So one can assign the function directly to some variable, like so: myfun <- import_int(...)
or use it directly without re-assignment like so: import_int(...)(...)
# Using import_LL ==== import_LL( "stringi", "stri_sub" ) # the stri_sub() function now cannot be modified, only used or removed, because it's locked: bindingIsLocked("stri_sub", environment()) # TRUE mypaste <- function(x, y) { import_LL("stringi", selection = "stri_c") stri_c(x, y) } mypaste("hello ", "world") # Using internal function ==== # Through re-assignment: fun <- import_int(tinycodet ~ .internal_paste, .libPaths()) fun("hello", "world") # Or using directly: import_int( tinycodet ~ .internal_paste, .libPaths() )("hello", "world")
# Using import_LL ==== import_LL( "stringi", "stri_sub" ) # the stri_sub() function now cannot be modified, only used or removed, because it's locked: bindingIsLocked("stri_sub", environment()) # TRUE mypaste <- function(x, y) { import_LL("stringi", selection = "stri_c") stri_c(x, y) } mypaste("hello ", "world") # Using internal function ==== # Through re-assignment: fun <- import_int(tinycodet ~ .internal_paste, .libPaths()) fun("hello", "world") # Or using directly: import_int( tinycodet ~ .internal_paste, .libPaths() )("hello", "world")
The x %:=% f
operator performs
in-place modification of some object x
with a function f
For example this:
mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl > 6] <- mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl>6]^2
Can now be re-written as:
mtcars$mpg[mtcars$cyl > 6] %:=% \(x) x^2
x %:=% f
x %:=% f
x |
a variable. |
f |
a (possibly anonymous) function to be applied in-place on |
This operator does not return any value:
It is an in-place modifier, and thus modifies the object directly.
set.seed(1) object <- matrix(rpois(10, 10), ncol = 2) print(object) y <- 3 object %:=% \(x) x + y # same as object <- object + y print(object)
set.seed(1) object <- matrix(rpois(10, 10), ncol = 2) print(object) y <- 3 object %:=% \(x) x + y # same as object <- object + y print(object)
The lock_TF()
locks the T
and F
values and sets them to TRUE
to prevent the user from re-assigning them.
Removing the created T
and F
allows re-assignment again.
The X %<-c% A
operator creates a constant
and assigns A
to it.
Constants cannot be changed, only accessed or removed.
So if you have a piece of code that requires some unchangeable constant
use this operator to create said constant
Removing constant X
also removes its binding lock.
Thus to change a constant
, simply remove it and re-create it.
lock_TF(env) X %<-c% A
lock_TF(env) X %<-c% A
env |
an optional environment to give,
determining in which environment |
X |
a syntactically valid unquoted name of the object to be created. |
A |
any kind of object to be assigned to |
Note that following statement
x %<-c% 2+2 print(x)
[1] 2
due to R's precedence rules.
Therefore, in such cases, the right hand side of
X %<-c% A
need to be surrounded with brackets.
x %<-c% (2 + 2)
Note that the lock_TF()
function and %s<-c%
create constants through lockBinding.
The constants are protected from modification by copy,
but they are not protected from modification by reference
(see for example collapse::
For lock_TF()
Two constants
, namely T
and F
set to TRUE
are created in the specified or else current environment,
and locked.
Removing the created T
and F
objects allows re-assignment again.
For X %<-c% A
The object X
containing A
is created in the current environment,
and this object cannot be changed. It can only be accessed or removed.
lock_TF() X %<-c% data.frame(x = 3, y = 2) # this data.frame cannot be changed. Only accessed or removed. X[1, ,drop=FALSE]
lock_TF() X %<-c% data.frame(x = 3, y = 2) # this data.frame cannot be changed. Only accessed or removed. X[1, ,drop=FALSE]
Additional logic operators:
The x %xor% y
operator is the "exclusive-or" operator,
the same as xor(x, y)
The x %n&%
operator is the "not-and" operator,
the same as (!x) & (!y)
The x %out% y
operator is the same as !x %in% y
The x %?=% y
operator checks if x
and y
are both unreal or unknown (i.e. NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf).
The n %=numtype% numtype
operator checks
for every value of numeric vector n
if it can be considered a number belonging to type numtype
The s %=strtype% strtype
operator checks
for every value of character vector s
if it can seen as a certain strtype
x %xor% y x %n&% y x %out% y x %?=% y n %=numtype% numtype s %=strtype% strtype
x %xor% y x %n&% y x %out% y x %?=% y n %=numtype% numtype s %=strtype% strtype
x , y
see Logic. |
n |
a numeric vector. |
numtype |
a single string giving the numeric type to be checked. |
s |
a character vector. |
strtype |
a single string giving the string type to be checked. |
For argument numtype
, the following options are supported:
: zero, or else a number whose absolute value is smaller than the
Machine tolerance (sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
: binary numbers (exactly 0 or exactly 1);
: proportions - numbers between 0 and 1 (exactly 0 or 1 is also allowed);
: Integers;
: odd integers;
: even integers;
: Real numbers;
: infinity, NA, or NaN;
For argument strtype
, the following options are supported:
: checks if the string only consists of empty spaces.
: checks if the string is NA, or if it has literal string "NA", "NaN" or "Inf",
regardless if it has leading or trailing spaces.
: checks if the string can be converted to a number,
disregarding leading and trailing spaces.
I.e. the string "5.0" can be converted to the the actual number 5.0
: checks if the string consists of only special characters.
A logical vector.
x <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf, TRUE, FALSE) y <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, rep(NA, 6)) outcome <- data.frame( x = x, y = y, "x %xor% y" = x %xor% y, "x %n&% y" = x %n&% y, "x %?=% y" = x %?=% y, check.names = FALSE ) print(outcome) 1:3 %out% 1:10 1:10 %out% 1:3 n <- c(0:5, 0:-5, 0.1, -0.1, 0, 1, Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN) 1e-20 %=numtype% "~0" n[n %=numtype% "B"] n[n %=numtype% "prop"] n[n %=numtype% "I"] n[n %=numtype% "odd"] n[n %=numtype% "even"] n[n %=numtype% "R"] n[n %=numtype% "unreal"] s <- c(" AbcZ123 ", " abc ", " 1.3 ", " !#$%^&*() ", " ", " NA ", " NaN ", " Inf ") s[s %=strtype% "empty"] s[s %=strtype% "unreal"] s[s %=strtype% "numeric"] s[s %=strtype% "special"]
x <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf, TRUE, FALSE) y <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, rep(NA, 6)) outcome <- data.frame( x = x, y = y, "x %xor% y" = x %xor% y, "x %n&% y" = x %n&% y, "x %?=% y" = x %?=% y, check.names = FALSE ) print(outcome) 1:3 %out% 1:10 1:10 %out% 1:3 n <- c(0:5, 0:-5, 0.1, -0.1, 0, 1, Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN) 1e-20 %=numtype% "~0" n[n %=numtype% "B"] n[n %=numtype% "prop"] n[n %=numtype% "I"] n[n %=numtype% "odd"] n[n %=numtype% "even"] n[n %=numtype% "R"] n[n %=numtype% "unreal"] s <- c(" AbcZ123 ", " abc ", " 1.3 ", " !#$%^&*() ", " ", " NA ", " NaN ", " Inf ") s[s %=strtype% "empty"] s[s %=strtype% "unreal"] s[s %=strtype% "numeric"] s[s %=strtype% "special"]
Infix operators for custom row- and column-wise re-ordering of matrices.
The x %row~% mat
operator re-orders the elements of every row,
each row ordered independently from the other rows, of matrix x
according to the ordering ranks given in matrix mat
The x %col~% mat
operator re-orders the elements of every column,
each column ordered independently from the other columns, of matrix x
according to the ordering ranks given in matrix mat
x %row~% mat x %col~% mat
x %row~% mat x %col~% mat
x |
a matrix |
mat |
a matrix with the same dimensions as |
If matrix x
is a numeric matrix,
and one wants to sort the elements of every row or column numerically,
x %row~% x
or x %col~% x
would suffice, respectively.
If matrix x
is not numeric,
sorting the elements using x %row~% x
and x %col~% x
is still possible,
but probably not the best option.
In the non-numeric case,
providing a matrix of ordering ranks for mat
would be faster and give more accurate ordering.
See the examples section.
If mat
is a matrix of non-repeating random integers, i.e. mat <- sample(seq_along(x)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(x))
then the code x %row~% mat
will randomly shuffle the elements of every row of x
where the shuffling order in each row is independent from the shuffling order in the other rows.
Similarly, x %col~% mat
will randomly shuffle the elements of every column of x
where the shuffling order in each column is independent from the shuffling order in the other columns.
Re-ordering/sorting every row/column of a matrix with these operators
is generally faster than doing so through loops or apply-like functions.
Note that these operators strip all attributes except dimensions.
A modified matrix.
# numeric matrix ==== x <- matrix(sample(1:25), nrow = 5) print(x) x %row~% x # sort elements of every row independently x %row~% -x # reverse-sort elements of every row independently x %col~% x # sort elements of every column independently x %col~% -x # reverse-sort elements of every column independently x <- matrix(sample(1:25), nrow = 5) print(x) mat <- sample(seq_along(x)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(x)) x %row~% mat # randomly shuffle every row independently x %col~% mat # randomly shuffle every column independently # character matrix ==== x <- matrix(sample(letters, 25), nrow = 5) print(x) mat <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(x)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(x)) x %row~% mat # sort elements of every row independently x %row~% -mat # reverse-sort elements of every row independently x %col~% mat # sort elements of every column independently x %col~% -mat # reverse-sort elements of every column independently x <- matrix(sample(letters, 25), nrow = 5) print(x) mat <- sample(seq_along(x)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(x)) x %row~% mat # randomly shuffle every row independently x %col~% mat # randomise shuffle every column independently
# numeric matrix ==== x <- matrix(sample(1:25), nrow = 5) print(x) x %row~% x # sort elements of every row independently x %row~% -x # reverse-sort elements of every row independently x %col~% x # sort elements of every column independently x %col~% -x # reverse-sort elements of every column independently x <- matrix(sample(1:25), nrow = 5) print(x) mat <- sample(seq_along(x)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(x)) x %row~% mat # randomly shuffle every row independently x %col~% mat # randomly shuffle every column independently # character matrix ==== x <- matrix(sample(letters, 25), nrow = 5) print(x) mat <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(x)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(x)) x %row~% mat # sort elements of every row independently x %row~% -mat # reverse-sort elements of every row independently x %col~% mat # sort elements of every column independently x %col~% -mat # reverse-sort elements of every column independently x <- matrix(sample(letters, 25), nrow = 5) print(x) mat <- sample(seq_along(x)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(x)) x %row~% mat # randomly shuffle every row independently x %col~% mat # randomise shuffle every column independently
The pkgs %installed in% lib.loc
checks if one or more given packages (pkgs
) exist
in the given library paths (lib.loc
without loading the packages.
The syntax of this operator forces the user to make it
syntactically explicit
where to look for installed R-packages.
As pkgs %installed in% lib.loc
does not even load a package,
the user can safely use it
without fearing any unwanted side-effects.
The pkg_get_deps()
function gets the direct dependencies of a package
from the Description file. It works on non-CRAN packages also.
The pkg_get_deps_minimal()
function is the same as
except with
base, recom, rstudioapi, shared_tidy
all set to FALSE
and the default value for deps_type
is c("Depends", "Imports").
The pkg_lsf()
gets a list of exported functions/operators from a package.
One handy use for this function is to, for example,
globally attach all infix operators from a package using library
like so:
y <- pkg_lsf("packagename", type = "inops") library(packagename, include.only = y)
pkgs %installed in% lib.loc pkg_get_deps( package, lib.loc = .libPaths(), deps_type = c("LinkingTo", "Depends", "Imports"), base = FALSE, recom = TRUE, rstudioapi = TRUE, shared_tidy = TRUE ) pkg_get_deps_minimal( package, lib.loc = .libPaths(), deps_type = c("Depends", "Imports") ) pkg_lsf(package, type, lib.loc = .libPaths())
pkgs %installed in% lib.loc pkg_get_deps( package, lib.loc = .libPaths(), deps_type = c("LinkingTo", "Depends", "Imports"), base = FALSE, recom = TRUE, rstudioapi = TRUE, shared_tidy = TRUE ) pkg_get_deps_minimal( package, lib.loc = .libPaths(), deps_type = c("Depends", "Imports") ) pkg_lsf(package, type, lib.loc = .libPaths())
pkgs |
a character vector with the package name(s). |
lib.loc |
character vector specifying library search path
(the location of R library trees to search through). |
package |
a single string giving the package name. |
deps_type |
a character vector, giving the dependency types to be used. |
base |
indicating whether base/core R should be included ( |
recom |
indicating whether the pre-installed 'recommended' R-packages should be included
( |
rstudioapi |
indicating whether the 'rstudioapi' R-package should be included
( |
shared_tidy |
indicating whether the shared dependencies of the 'tidyverse' should be included
( |
type |
The type of functions to list. Possibilities:
For pkg_get_deps()
For each string in argument deps_type
the package names in the corresponding field of the Description file are extracted,
in the order as they appear in that field.
The order given in argument deps_type
also affects the order of the returned character vector:
For example, c("LinkingTo", "Depends", "Imports")
means the package names are extracted from the fields in the following order:
The unique (thus non-repeating)
package names are then returned to the user.
For pkgs %installed in% lib.loc
Returns a named logical vector.
The names give the package names.
The value TRUE
indicates a package is installed in lib.loc
The value FALSE
indicates a package is not installed in lib.loc
The value NA
indicates a package is not actually a separate package,
but base/core 'R'
(i.e. 'base', 'stats', etc.).
For pkg_get_deps()
and pkg_get_deps_minimal()
A character vector of direct dependencies, without duplicates.
For pkg_lsf()
Returns a character vector of exported function names in the specified package.
O'Brien J., elegantly extract R-package dependencies of a package not listed on CRAN. Stack Overflow. (1 September 2023). https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30223957/elegantly-extract-r-package-dependencies-of-a-package-not-listed-on-cran
"dplyr" %installed in% .libPaths() pkg_get_deps_minimal("dplyr") pkgs <- pkg_get_deps("dplyr") pkgs %installed in% .libPaths() pkg_lsf("dplyr", "all")
"dplyr" %installed in% .libPaths() pkg_get_deps_minimal("dplyr") pkgs <- pkg_get_deps("dplyr") pkgs %installed in% .libPaths() pkg_lsf("dplyr", "all")
The pversion_check4mismatch()
checks if there is any mismatch between
the currently loaded packages and the packages in the specified library path.
The pversion_report()
gives a table of all specified packages,
with their loaded and installed versions,
regardless if there is a mismatch or not.
pversion_check4mismatch(pkgs = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths()) pversion_report(pkgs = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths())
pversion_check4mismatch(pkgs = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths()) pversion_report(pkgs = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths())
pkgs |
a character vector with the package name(s). |
lib.loc |
character vector specifying library search path
(the location of R library trees to search through). |
For pversion_check4mismatch()
If no mismatch between loaded versions and those in lib.loc
were found,
returns NULL
Otherwise it returns a data.frame
with the loaded version and library version of the specified packages.
For pversion_report()
Returns a data.frame
with the loaded version and library version of the specified packages,
as well as a logical column indicating whether the two versions are equal (TRUE
or not equal (FALSE
"dplyr" %installed in% .libPaths() import_as(~dpr., "dplyr") pversion_check4mismatch() pversion_report()
"dplyr" %installed in% .libPaths() import_as(~dpr., "dplyr") pversion_check4mismatch() pversion_report()
The report_inops()
returns a data.frame listing the infix operators defined
in the current environment,
or a user specified environment.
It also reports from which packages the infix operators came from.
env |
an optional environment to give,
where the function should look for infix operators. |
A data.frame. The first column gives the infix operator names. The second column gives the package the operator came from, or NA if it did not come from a package.
report_inops() `%paste%` <- function(x,y)paste0(x,y) report_inops() import_inops("stringi") report_inops()
report_inops() `%paste%` <- function(x,y)paste0(x,y) report_inops() import_inops("stringi") report_inops()
The %s-%, %s/%, %ss% operators,
as well as the string search operators (str_search),
perform pattern matching for some purpose,
where the pattern is given in the second argument (p
When a character vector or string is given as the second argument (p
this is interpreted as case-sensitive
patterns from 'stringi'.
Instead of giving a string or character vector of regex patterns,
one can also supply a list to specify exactly how the pattern should be interpreted.
The list should use the exact same argument convention as 'stringi'.
For example:
list(regex = p, case_insensitive = FALSE, ...)
list(fixed = p, ...)
list(coll = p, ...)
list(charclass = p, ...)
All arguments in the list are simply passed to the
appropriate functions in 'stringi'.
For example:
x %s/% p
counts how often regular expression specified in character vector
occurs in x
, whereas the following,
x %s/% list(fixed = p, case_insensitive = TRUE)
will do the same,
except it uses fixed (i.e. literal) expression,
and it does not distinguish between upper case and lower case characters.
'tinycodet' adds some convenience functions based on
the stri_opts_
- functions in 'stringi':
s_regex(p, ...)
is equivalent to list(regex = p, ...)
s_fixed(p, ...)
is equivalent to list(fixed = p, ...)
s_coll(p, ...)
is equivalent to list(coll = p, ...)
s_chrcls(p, ...)
is equivalent to list(charclass = p, ... )
With the ellipsis (...
being passed to the appropriate
when it matches their arguments.
'stringi' infix operators start with "%s
though they all have an alias starting with "%stri
In analogy to that, the above functions start with "s_
rather than "stri_
", as they are all meant for operators only.
s_regex( p, case_insensitive, comments, dotall, multiline, time_limit, stack_limit, ... ) s_fixed(p, case_insensitive, overlap, ...) s_coll( p, locale, strength, alternate_shifted, french, uppercase_first, case_level, numeric, normalization, ... ) s_chrcls(p, ...)
s_regex( p, case_insensitive, comments, dotall, multiline, time_limit, stack_limit, ... ) s_fixed(p, case_insensitive, overlap, ...) s_coll( p, locale, strength, alternate_shifted, french, uppercase_first, case_level, numeric, normalization, ... ) s_chrcls(p, ...)
p |
case_insensitive |
see stri_opts_regex and stri_opts_fixed. |
comments , dotall , multiline
see stri_opts_regex. |
time_limit , stack_limit
see stri_opts_regex. |
... |
additional arguments not part of the |
overlap |
see stri_opts_fixed. |
locale , strength , alternate_shifted
see stri_opts_collator. |
french , normalization , numeric
see stri_opts_collator. |
uppercase_first , case_level
see stri_opts_collator. |
A list with arguments to be passed to the appropriate operators.
x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2) # same as p <- list(regex = rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2)) x %s/% p # count how often vowels appear in each string of vector x. x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) x %s/% list(regex = rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE) x %s/% s_regex(rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE) x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- list(fixed = c("A", "A"), case_insensitive = TRUE) x %s{}% p x %s!{}% p p <- s_fixed(c("A", "A"), case_insensitive = TRUE) x %s{}% p x %s!{}% p x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = ""), NA) p <- s_fixed("abc", at = "start") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_startswith(x, fixed = "abc") # same as above p <- s_fixed("xyz", at = "end") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_endswith(x, fixed = "xyz") # same as above
x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2) # same as p <- list(regex = rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2)) x %s/% p # count how often vowels appear in each string of vector x. x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) x %s/% list(regex = rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE) x %s/% s_regex(rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE) x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- list(fixed = c("A", "A"), case_insensitive = TRUE) x %s{}% p x %s!{}% p p <- s_fixed(c("A", "A"), case_insensitive = TRUE) x %s{}% p x %s!{}% p x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = ""), NA) p <- s_fixed("abc", at = "start") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_startswith(x, fixed = "abc") # same as above p <- s_fixed("xyz", at = "end") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_endswith(x, fixed = "xyz") # same as above
The safer_partialmatch()
function simply calls the following:
options( warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE, warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE, warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE )
Thus it forces 'R' to give a warning when partial matching occurs when using
the dollar ($) operator,
or when other forms of partial matching occurs.
The safer_partialmatch()
is intended for when running R interactively
(see interactive).
Sets the options. Returns nothing.
interactive() safer_partialmatch() data(iris) head(iris) iris$Sepal.Length <- iris$Sepal.Length^2 head(iris)
interactive() safer_partialmatch() data(iris) head(iris) iris$Sepal.Length <- iris$Sepal.Length^2 head(iris)
The source_selection()
function is the same as
base R's source function, except that it allows only placing
the selected objects and functions into the current environment,
instead of all objects.
The objects to be selected can be specified using any combination of the following:
by supplying a character vector of exact object names to the select
by supplying a character vector of regex
patterns to the regex
by supplying a character vector of fixed
patterns to the fixed
Note that the source_selection()
function does not suppress output
(i.e. plots, prints, messages)
from the sourced script file.
source_selection(lst, select = NULL, regex = NULL, fixed = NULL)
source_selection(lst, select = NULL, regex = NULL, fixed = NULL)
lst |
a named list, giving the arguments to be passed to the
source function. |
select |
a character vector, giving the exact names of the functions or objects appearing in the script, to expose to the current environment. |
regex |
a character vector of |
fixed |
a character vector of |
One can specify which objects to expose using arguments
, regex
, or fixed
The user can specify all 3 of them, but at least one of the 3 must be specified.
It is not a problem if the specifications overlap.
Any specified objects will be placed
in the current environment.
tinycodet_misc, base::source()
exprs <- expression({ helloworld = function()print("helloworld") goodbyeworld <- function() print("goodbye world") `%s+test%` <- function(x,y) stringi::`%s+%`(x,y) `%s*test%` <- function(x,y) stringi::`%s*%`(x,y) mymethod <- function(x) UseMethod("mymethod", x) mymethod.numeric <- function(x)x * 2 mymethod.character <- function(x)chartr(x, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") }) source_selection(list(exprs=exprs), regex = "^mymethod") mymethod(1) mymethod("a") temp.fun <- function(){ source_selection(list(exprs=exprs), regex = "^mymethod", fixed = c("%", ":=")) ls() # list all objects residing within the function definition } temp.fun() temp.fun <- function(){ source_selection(list(exprs=exprs), select = c("helloworld", "goodbyeworld")) ls() # list all objects residing within the function definition } temp.fun()
exprs <- expression({ helloworld = function()print("helloworld") goodbyeworld <- function() print("goodbye world") `%s+test%` <- function(x,y) stringi::`%s+%`(x,y) `%s*test%` <- function(x,y) stringi::`%s*%`(x,y) mymethod <- function(x) UseMethod("mymethod", x) mymethod.numeric <- function(x)x * 2 mymethod.character <- function(x)chartr(x, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") }) source_selection(list(exprs=exprs), regex = "^mymethod") mymethod(1) mymethod("a") temp.fun <- function(){ source_selection(list(exprs=exprs), regex = "^mymethod", fixed = c("%", ":=")) ls() # list all objects residing within the function definition } temp.fun() temp.fun <- function(){ source_selection(list(exprs=exprs), select = c("helloworld", "goodbyeworld")) ls() # list all objects residing within the function definition } temp.fun()
String arithmetic operators.
The x %s+% y
operator is exported from 'stringi',
and concatenates character vectors x
and y
The x %s-% p
operator removes character/pattern
defined in p
from x
The x %s*% n
operator is exported from 'stringi',
and duplicates each string in x
and concatenates the results.
The x %s/% p
operator counts how often character/pattern
defined in p
occurs in each element of x
The x %s//% brk
operator counts how often the text boundary specified in list brk
occurs in each element of x
The e1 %s$% e2
operator is exported from 'stringi',
and provides access to stri_sprintf in the form of an infix operator.
The x %ss% p
operator splits the strings in x
by a delimiter character/pattern defined in p
and removes p
in the process.
For cutting strings by text boundaries, or around a location,
see strcut_brk and strcut_loc.
x %s-% p x %s/% p x %s//% brk x %ss% p
x %s-% p x %s/% p x %s//% brk x %ss% p
x |
a string or character vector. |
p |
either a list with 'stringi' arguments (see s_pattern),
or else a character vector with regular expressions. |
brk |
a list with break iteration options,
like a list produced by stri_opts_brkiter. |
The %s+%
, %s-%
, and %s*%
return a character vector of the same length as x
The %s/%
and %s//%
both return an integer vector of the same length as x
The %s$%
operator returns a character vector.
The %ss%
operator returns a list of the split strings - or,
if simplify = TRUE
/ simplify = NA
returns a matrix of the split strings.
x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) y <- c("a", "b") p <- rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2) # same as p <- list(regex = rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2)) n <- c(3, 2) x %s+% y # = paste0(x,y) x %s-% p # remove all vowels from x x %s*% n x %s/% p # count how often vowels appear in each string of vector x x %ss% p # split x around vowels, removing the vowels in the process x %ss% s_regex(p, simplify = NA) # same as above, but in matrix form test <- c( paste0("The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. ", "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. 123 456 789"), "good morning, good evening, and good night" ) test %s//% list(type = "character") x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) y <- "a" # pattern that ignores case: p <- list(regex = rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE) n <- c(2, 3) x %s+% y # = paste0(x,y) x %s-% p # remove all vowels from x x %s*% n x %s/% p # count how often vowels appears in each string of vector x. x <- c(paste(letters, collapse = ", "), paste(LETTERS, collapse = ", ")) print(x) x %ss% ", " t(x %ss% s_fixed(", ", simplify = NA))
x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) y <- c("a", "b") p <- rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2) # same as p <- list(regex = rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2)) n <- c(3, 2) x %s+% y # = paste0(x,y) x %s-% p # remove all vowels from x x %s*% n x %s/% p # count how often vowels appear in each string of vector x x %ss% p # split x around vowels, removing the vowels in the process x %ss% s_regex(p, simplify = NA) # same as above, but in matrix form test <- c( paste0("The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. ", "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. 123 456 789"), "good morning, good evening, and good night" ) test %s//% list(type = "character") x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) y <- "a" # pattern that ignores case: p <- list(regex = rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE) n <- c(2, 3) x %s+% y # = paste0(x,y) x %s-% p # remove all vowels from x x %s*% n x %s/% p # count how often vowels appears in each string of vector x. x <- c(paste(letters, collapse = ", "), paste(LETTERS, collapse = ", ")) print(x) x %ss% ", " t(x %ss% s_fixed(", ", simplify = NA))
The x %s{}% p
and x %s!{}% p
The x %s{}% p
checks for every string in character vector x
the pattern defined in p
is present.
When supplying a list on the right hand side (see s_pattern),
one can optionally include the list element at = "start"
or at = "end"
Supplying at = "start"
will check if the pattern appears at the start of a string
(like stri_startswith).
Supplying at = "end"
will check if the pattern appears at the end of a string
(like stri_endswith).
The x %s!{}% p
operator is the same as x %s{}% p
except it checks for absence of the pattern,
rather than presence.
For string (in)equality operators,
see %s==% from the 'stringi' package. strfind()<-
: strfind()<-
locates, extracts, or replaces found patterns.
It complements the other string-related operators,
and uses the same s_pattern API.
It functions as follows:
finds all pattern matches,
and returns the extractions of the findings in a list,
just like stri_extract_all.
strfind(..., i = "all" )
finds all pattern matches
like stri_locate_all.
strfind(..., i = i)
, where i
is an integer vector,
locates the occurrence of a pattern,
and reports the locations in a matrix,
just like stri_locate_ith.
strfind() <- value
finds pattern matches in variable x
replaces the pattern matches with the character vector specified in value
and assigns the transformed character vector back to x
This is somewhat similar to stri_replace,
though the replacement is done in-place.
x %s{}% p x %s!{}% p strfind(x, p, ..., i, rt) strfind(x, p, ..., i, rt) <- value
x %s{}% p x %s!{}% p strfind(x, p, ..., i, rt) strfind(x, p, ..., i, rt) <- value
x |
a string or character vector. |
p |
either a list with 'stringi' arguments (see s_pattern),
or else a character vector with regular expressions. |
... |
additional arguments to be specified. |
i |
either one of the following can be given for
For |
rt |
Note: |
value |
a character vector giving the replacement values. |
Right-hand Side List for the %s{}%
and %s!{}%
When supplying a list to the right-hand side of the
and %s!{}%
one can add the argument at
If at = "start"
the operators will check if the pattern is present/absent at the start of the string.
If at = "end"
the operators will check if the pattern is present/absent at the end of the string.
Unlike stri_startswith or stri_endswith,
is supported by the %s{}%
and %s!{}%
See examples below.
Vectorized Replacement vs Dictionary Replacement
Vectorized replacement: x
, p
, and value
are of the same length
(or recycled to become the same length).
All occurrences of pattern p[j]
in x[j]
is replaced with value[j]
for every j
Dictionary replacement: p
and value
are of the same length,
and their length is independent of the length of x
For every single string in x
all occurrences of pattern p[1]
are replaced with value[1]
all occurrences of pattern p[2]
are replaced with value[2]
Notice that for single replacement, i.e. rt = "first"
or rt = "last"
it makes no sense to distinguish between vectorized or dictionary replacement,
since then only a single occurrence is being replaced per string.
See examples below.
For the x %s{}% p
and x %s!{}% p
Return logical vectors.
For strfind()
Returns a list with extractions of all found patterns.
For strfind(..., i = "all")
Returns a list with all found pattern locations.
For strfind(..., i = i)
with integer vector i
Returns an integer matrix with two columns,
giving the start and end positions of the matches,
two NAs if no matches are found, and also two
s if str is NA
For strfind() <- value
Returns nothing,
but performs in-place replacement
(using R's default in-place semantics)
of the found patterns in variable x
performs in-place replacement.
Therefore, the character vector or string to perform replacement on,
must already exist as a variable.
So take for example the following code:
strfind("hello", p = "e") <- "a" # this obviously does not work y <- "hello" strfind(y, p = "e") <- "a" # this works fine
In the above code, the first strfind()<-
call does not work,
because the string needs to exist as a variable.
# example of %s{}% and %s!{}% ==== x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) x %s{}% "a" x %s!{}% "a" which(x %s{}% "a") which(x %s!{}% "a") x[x %s{}% "a"] x[x %s!{}% "a"] x[x %s{}% "a"] <- 1 x[x %s!{}% "a"] <- 1 print(x) x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) x %s{}% "1" x %s!{}% "1" which(x %s{}% "1") which(x %s!{}% "1") x[x %s{}% "1"] x[x %s!{}% "1"] x[x %s{}% "1"] <- "a" x[x %s!{}% "1"] <- "a" print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of %s{}% and %s!{}% with "at" argument ==== x <- c(paste0(letters, collapse = ""), paste0(rev(letters), collapse = ""), NA) p <- s_fixed("abc", at = "start") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_startswith(x, fixed = "abc") # same as above p <- s_fixed("xyz", at = "end") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_endswith(x, fixed = "xyz") # same as above p <- s_fixed("cba", at = "end") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_endswith(x, fixed = "cba") # same as above p <- s_fixed("zyx", at = "start") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_startswith(x, fixed = "zyx") # same as above ############################################################################# # Example of transforming ith occurrence ==== # new character vector: x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) # report ith (second and second-last) vowel locations: p <- s_regex( # vowels rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE ) loc <- strfind(x, p, i = c(2, -2)) print(loc) # extract ith vowels: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) print(extr) # replace ith vowels with numbers: repl <- chartr("aeiou", "12345", extr) # transformation stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) <- repl print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of strfind for regular vectorized replacement ==== x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- c('quick', 'brown', 'fox') rp <- c('SLOW', 'BLACK', 'BEAR') x %s{}% p strfind(x, p) strfind(x, p) <- rp print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of strfind for dictionary replacement ==== x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- c('quick', 'brown', 'fox') rp <- c('SLOW', 'BLACK', 'BEAR') # thus dictionary is: # quick => SLOW; brown => BLACK; fox => BEAR strfind(x, p, rt = "dict") <- rp print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of strfind for first and last replacement ==== x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- s_fixed("the", case_insensitive = TRUE) rp <- "One" strfind(x, p, rt = "first") <- rp print(x) x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- s_fixed("the", case_insensitive = TRUE) rp <- "Some Other" strfind(x, p, rt = "last") <- rp print(x)
# example of %s{}% and %s!{}% ==== x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) x %s{}% "a" x %s!{}% "a" which(x %s{}% "a") which(x %s!{}% "a") x[x %s{}% "a"] x[x %s!{}% "a"] x[x %s{}% "a"] <- 1 x[x %s!{}% "a"] <- 1 print(x) x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) x %s{}% "1" x %s!{}% "1" which(x %s{}% "1") which(x %s!{}% "1") x[x %s{}% "1"] x[x %s!{}% "1"] x[x %s{}% "1"] <- "a" x[x %s!{}% "1"] <- "a" print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of %s{}% and %s!{}% with "at" argument ==== x <- c(paste0(letters, collapse = ""), paste0(rev(letters), collapse = ""), NA) p <- s_fixed("abc", at = "start") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_startswith(x, fixed = "abc") # same as above p <- s_fixed("xyz", at = "end") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_endswith(x, fixed = "xyz") # same as above p <- s_fixed("cba", at = "end") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_endswith(x, fixed = "cba") # same as above p <- s_fixed("zyx", at = "start") x %s{}% p stringi::stri_startswith(x, fixed = "zyx") # same as above ############################################################################# # Example of transforming ith occurrence ==== # new character vector: x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) # report ith (second and second-last) vowel locations: p <- s_regex( # vowels rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2), case_insensitive = TRUE ) loc <- strfind(x, p, i = c(2, -2)) print(loc) # extract ith vowels: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) print(extr) # replace ith vowels with numbers: repl <- chartr("aeiou", "12345", extr) # transformation stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) <- repl print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of strfind for regular vectorized replacement ==== x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- c('quick', 'brown', 'fox') rp <- c('SLOW', 'BLACK', 'BEAR') x %s{}% p strfind(x, p) strfind(x, p) <- rp print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of strfind for dictionary replacement ==== x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- c('quick', 'brown', 'fox') rp <- c('SLOW', 'BLACK', 'BEAR') # thus dictionary is: # quick => SLOW; brown => BLACK; fox => BEAR strfind(x, p, rt = "dict") <- rp print(x) ############################################################################# # Example of strfind for first and last replacement ==== x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- s_fixed("the", case_insensitive = TRUE) rp <- "One" strfind(x, p, rt = "first") <- rp print(x) x <- rep('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3) print(x) p <- s_fixed("the", case_insensitive = TRUE) rp <- "Some Other" strfind(x, p, rt = "last") <- rp print(x)
String subsetting operators.
The x %s><% ss
gets a certain number of the first and last characters of every string in
character vector x
. %sget%
is an alias for %s><%
The x %s<>% ss
trims a certain number of the first and last characters of every string in
character vector x
. %strim%
is an alias for %<>%
x %s><% ss x %s<>% ss x %sget% ss x %strim% ss
x %s><% ss x %s<>% ss x %sget% ss x %strim% ss
x |
a character vector. |
ss |
a vector of length 2, or a matrix with 2 columns with |
These operators serve as a way to provide straight-forward string sub-setting.
Both operators return a character vector of the same length as x
The x %s><% ss
gives a certain number of the first and last characters of each string in the input
character vector x
The x %s<>% ss
removes a certain number of the first and last characters of each string in the input
character vector x
x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(2, 3) x %s><% ss x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(1, 0) x %s><% ss x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(2, 3) x %s<>% ss x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(1, 0) x %s<>% ss
x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(2, 3) x %s><% ss x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(1, 0) x %s><% ss x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(2, 3) x %s<>% ss x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) ss <- c(1, 0) x %s<>% ss
The strcut_loc()
cuts every string in a character vector around a location range loc
such that every string is cut into the following parts:
the sub-string before loc
the sub-string at loc
the sub-string after loc
The location range loc
would usually be matrix with 2 columns,
giving the start and end points of some pattern match.
The strcut_brk()
(a wrapper around stri_split_boundaries(..., tokens_only = FALSE)
cuts every string into individual text breaks
(like character, word, line, or sentence boundaries).
strcut_loc(str, loc) strcut_brk(str, type = "character", tolist = FALSE, n = -1L, ...)
strcut_loc(str, loc) strcut_brk(str, type = "character", tolist = FALSE, n = -1L, ...)
str |
a string or character vector. |
loc |
Either one of the following:
type |
either one of the following:
tolist |
logical, indicating if |
n |
... |
additional arguments to be passed to stri_split_boundaries. |
The strcut_
functions provide a short and concise way to cut strings into pieces,
without removing the delimiters,
which is an operation that lies at the core of virtually all boundaries-operations in 'stringi'.
The main difference between the strcut_
- functions
and stri_split / strsplit,
is that the latter generally removes the delimiter patterns in a string when cutting,
while the strcut_
-functions do not attempt to remove parts of the string by default,
they only attempt to cut the strings into separate pieces.
Moreover, the strcut_
- functions return a matrix by default.
For strcut_loc()
A character matrix with length(str)
rows and 3 columns,
where for every row i
it holds the following:
the first column contains the sub-string before loc[i,]
or NA
if loc[i,]
contains NA
the second column contains the sub_string at loc[i,]
or the uncut string if loc[i,]
contains NA
the third and last column contains the sub-string after loc[i,]
or NA
if loc[i,]
contains NA
For strcut_brk(..., tolist = FALSE)
A character matrix with length(str)
rows and
a number of columns equal to the maximum number of pieces str
was cut in.
Empty places are filled with NA
For strcut_brk(..., tolist = TRUE)
A list with length(str)
where each element is a character vector containing the cut string.
x <- rep(paste0(1:10, collapse = ""), 10) print(x) loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, 1:10, fixed = as.character(1:10)) strcut_loc(x, loc) strcut_loc(x, c(5, 5)) strcut_loc(x, c(NA, NA)) strcut_loc(x, c(5, NA)) strcut_loc(x, c(NA, 5)) test <- "The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. " %s+% "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. 123 456 789" strcut_brk(test, "line") strcut_brk(test, "word") strcut_brk(test, "sentence") strcut_brk(test) strcut_brk(test, n = 1) strcut_brk(test, "line", tolist = TRUE) strcut_brk(test, "word", tolist = TRUE) strcut_brk(test, "sentence", tolist = TRUE) brk <- stringi::stri_opts_brkiter( type = "line" ) strcut_brk(test, brk)
x <- rep(paste0(1:10, collapse = ""), 10) print(x) loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, 1:10, fixed = as.character(1:10)) strcut_loc(x, loc) strcut_loc(x, c(5, 5)) strcut_loc(x, c(NA, NA)) strcut_loc(x, c(5, NA)) strcut_loc(x, c(NA, 5)) test <- "The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. " %s+% "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. 123 456 789" strcut_brk(test, "line") strcut_brk(test, "word") strcut_brk(test, "sentence") strcut_brk(test) strcut_brk(test, n = 1) strcut_brk(test, "line", tolist = TRUE) strcut_brk(test, "word", tolist = TRUE) strcut_brk(test, "sentence", tolist = TRUE) brk <- stringi::stri_opts_brkiter( type = "line" ) strcut_brk(test, brk)
The stri_join_mat()
(and their aliases stri_c_mat
and stri_paste_mat
perform row-wise (margin = 1
; the default) or
column-wise (margin = 2
) joining of a matrix of strings,
thereby transforming a matrix of strings into a vector of strings.
stri_join_mat(mat, margin = 1, sep = "", collapse = NULL) stri_c_mat(mat, margin = 1, sep = "", collapse = NULL) stri_paste_mat(mat, margin = 1, sep = "", collapse = NULL)
stri_join_mat(mat, margin = 1, sep = "", collapse = NULL) stri_c_mat(mat, margin = 1, sep = "", collapse = NULL) stri_paste_mat(mat, margin = 1, sep = "", collapse = NULL)
mat |
a matrix of strings |
margin |
the margin over which the strings must be joined.
sep , collapse
as in stri_join. |
The stri_join_mat()
function, and its aliases, return a vector of strings.
############################################################################# # Basic example x <- matrix(letters[1:25], ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE) print(x) stri_join_mat(x, margin = 1) x <- matrix(letters[1:25], ncol = 5, byrow = FALSE) print(x) stri_join_mat(x, margin = 2) ############################################################################# # sorting characters in strings ==== x <- c(paste(sample(letters), collapse = ""), paste(sample(letters), collapse = "")) print(x) mat <- strcut_brk(x) rank <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" print(sorted) stri_join_mat(sorted, margin = 1) stri_join_mat(sorted, margin = 2) ############################################################################# # sorting words ==== x <- c("2nd 3rd 1st", "Goodbye everyone") print(x) mat <- strcut_brk(x, "word") rank <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" stri_c_mat(sorted, margin = 1, sep = " ") # <- alias for stri_join_mat stri_c_mat(sorted, margin = 2, sep = " ") ############################################################################# # randomly shuffling sentences ==== x <- c("Hello, who are you? Oh, really?! Cool!", "I don't care. But I really don't.") print(x) mat <- strcut_brk(x, "sentence") rank <- sample(seq_along(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" stri_paste_mat(sorted, margin = 1) # <- another alias for stri_join_mat stri_paste_mat(sorted, margin = 2)
############################################################################# # Basic example x <- matrix(letters[1:25], ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE) print(x) stri_join_mat(x, margin = 1) x <- matrix(letters[1:25], ncol = 5, byrow = FALSE) print(x) stri_join_mat(x, margin = 2) ############################################################################# # sorting characters in strings ==== x <- c(paste(sample(letters), collapse = ""), paste(sample(letters), collapse = "")) print(x) mat <- strcut_brk(x) rank <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" print(sorted) stri_join_mat(sorted, margin = 1) stri_join_mat(sorted, margin = 2) ############################################################################# # sorting words ==== x <- c("2nd 3rd 1st", "Goodbye everyone") print(x) mat <- strcut_brk(x, "word") rank <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" stri_c_mat(sorted, margin = 1, sep = " ") # <- alias for stri_join_mat stri_c_mat(sorted, margin = 2, sep = " ") ############################################################################# # randomly shuffling sentences ==== x <- c("Hello, who are you? Oh, really?! Cool!", "I don't care. But I really don't.") print(x) mat <- strcut_brk(x, "sentence") rank <- sample(seq_along(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat)) sorted <- mat %row~% rank sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- "" stri_paste_mat(sorted, margin = 1) # <- another alias for stri_join_mat stri_paste_mat(sorted, margin = 2)
Pattern Occurrence or Text BoundaryThe stri_locate_ith()
locates the occurrence of a pattern in each string of
some character vector.
The stri_locate_ith_boundaries()
locates the text boundary
(like character, word, line, or sentence boundaries).
stri_locate_ith(str, i, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass) stri_locate_ith_regex(str, pattern, i, ..., opts_regex = NULL) stri_locate_ith_fixed(str, pattern, i, ..., opts_fixed = NULL) stri_locate_ith_coll(str, pattern, i, ..., opts_collator = NULL) stri_locate_ith_charclass(str, pattern, i, merge = TRUE, ...) stri_locate_ith_boundaries(str, i, ..., opts_brkiter = NULL)
stri_locate_ith(str, i, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass) stri_locate_ith_regex(str, pattern, i, ..., opts_regex = NULL) stri_locate_ith_fixed(str, pattern, i, ..., opts_fixed = NULL) stri_locate_ith_coll(str, pattern, i, ..., opts_collator = NULL) stri_locate_ith_charclass(str, pattern, i, merge = TRUE, ...) stri_locate_ith_boundaries(str, i, ..., opts_brkiter = NULL)
str |
a string or character vector. |
i |
an integer scalar,
or an integer vector of appropriate length
(vector recycling is not supported).
If |
... |
more arguments to be supplied to
stri_locate_all or stri_locate_all_boundaries. |
pattern , regex , fixed , coll , charclass
a character vector of search patterns,
as in stri_locate_all. |
opts_regex , opts_fixed , opts_collator , opts_brkiter
named list used to tune up the selected search engine's settings. |
merge |
logical, indicating if charclass locations should be merged or not. |
The 'stringi' functions only support operations on the
first, last, or all occurrences of a pattern.
The stri_locate_ith()
allows locating the occurrence of a pattern.
This allows for several workflows
for operating on the pattern occurrence.
See also the examples section.
Extract Occurrence of a Pattern
For extracting the pattern occurrence:
Locate the the occurrence using
and then extract it using, for example, stri_sub.
Replace/Transform Occurrence of a Pattern
For replacing/transforming the pattern occurrence:
Locate the the occurrence using
Extract the occurrence using stri_sub.
Transform or replace the extracted sub-strings.
Return the transformed/replaced sub-string back,
using again stri_sub.
Capture Groups of Occurrence of a Pattern
The capture_groups
argument for regex
is not supported within stri_locate_ith()
To capture the groups of the occurrences:
Use stri_locate_ith()
to locate the occurrences without group capture.
Extract the occurrence using stri_sub.
Get the matched group capture on the extracted occurrences using stri_match.
The stri_locate_ith()
function returns an integer matrix with two columns,
giving the start and end positions of the matches,
s if no matches are found,
and also two NA
s if str
is NA
If an empty string or empty pattern is supplied,
a warning is given and a matrix with 0 rows is returned.
Long Vectors
The stri_locate_ith
do not support long vectors
(i.e. character vectors with more than 2^31 - 1
The performance of stri_locate_ith()
is about the same as that of stri_locate_all.
############################################################################# # practical example: transform regex pattern ==== # input character vector: x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) # locate ith (second and second-last) vowel locations: p <- rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2) # vowels loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(2, -2), regex = p, case_insensitive = TRUE) print(loc) # extract ith vowels: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) print(extr) # transform & replace ith vowels with numbers: repl <- chartr("aeiou", "12345", extr) stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) <- repl # result (notice ith vowels are now numbers): print(x) ############################################################################# # practical example: group-capture regex pattern ==== # input character: # first group: c(breakfast=eggs, breakfast=bacon) # second group: c(lunch=pizza, lunch=spaghetti) x <- c('breakfast=eggs;lunch=pizza', 'breakfast=bacon;lunch=spaghetti', 'no food here') # no group here print(x) # locate ith=2nd group: p <- '(\\w+)=(\\w+)' loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, i = 2, regex = p) print(loc) # extract ith=2nd group: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) print(extr) # capture ith=2nd group: stringi::stri_match(extr, regex = p) ############################################################################# # practical example: replace words using boundaries ==== # input character vector: x <- c("good morning and good night", "hello ladies and gentlemen") print(x) # report ith word locations: loc <- stri_locate_ith_boundaries(x, c(-3, 3), type = "word") print(loc) # extract ith words: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) print(extr) # transform and replace words (notice ith words have inverted case): tf <- chartr(extr, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) <- tf # result: print(x) ############################################################################# # find pattern ==== extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) repl <- chartr(extr, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") stringi::stri_sub_replace(x, loc, replacement=repl) ############################################################################# # simple pattern ==== x <- rep(paste0(1:10, collapse = ""), 10) print(x) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, 1:10, regex = as.character(1:10)) cbind(1:10, out) x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(-1, 1), regex = p) print(out) substr(x, out[, 1], out[, 2]) ############################################################################# # ignore case pattern ==== x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(1, -1), regex = p, case_insensitive = TRUE) substr(x, out[, 1], out[, 2]) ############################################################################# # multi-character pattern ==== x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) # multi-character pattern: p <- rep("AB", 2) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(1, -1), regex = p, case_insensitive = TRUE) print(out) substr(x, out[, 1], out[, 2]) ############################################################################# # Replacement transformation using stringi ==== x <- c("hello world", "goodbye world") loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(1, -1), regex = "a|e|i|o|u") extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) repl <- chartr(extr, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") stringi::stri_sub_replace(x, loc, replacement = repl) ############################################################################# # Boundaries ==== test <- c( paste0("The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. ", "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. 123 456 789"), "good morning, good evening, and good night" ) loc <- stri_locate_ith_boundaries(test, i = c(1, -1), type = "word") stringi::stri_sub(test, from = loc)
############################################################################# # practical example: transform regex pattern ==== # input character vector: x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) # locate ith (second and second-last) vowel locations: p <- rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2) # vowels loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(2, -2), regex = p, case_insensitive = TRUE) print(loc) # extract ith vowels: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) print(extr) # transform & replace ith vowels with numbers: repl <- chartr("aeiou", "12345", extr) stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) <- repl # result (notice ith vowels are now numbers): print(x) ############################################################################# # practical example: group-capture regex pattern ==== # input character: # first group: c(breakfast=eggs, breakfast=bacon) # second group: c(lunch=pizza, lunch=spaghetti) x <- c('breakfast=eggs;lunch=pizza', 'breakfast=bacon;lunch=spaghetti', 'no food here') # no group here print(x) # locate ith=2nd group: p <- '(\\w+)=(\\w+)' loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, i = 2, regex = p) print(loc) # extract ith=2nd group: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) print(extr) # capture ith=2nd group: stringi::stri_match(extr, regex = p) ############################################################################# # practical example: replace words using boundaries ==== # input character vector: x <- c("good morning and good night", "hello ladies and gentlemen") print(x) # report ith word locations: loc <- stri_locate_ith_boundaries(x, c(-3, 3), type = "word") print(loc) # extract ith words: extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) print(extr) # transform and replace words (notice ith words have inverted case): tf <- chartr(extr, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") stringi::stri_sub(x, loc) <- tf # result: print(x) ############################################################################# # find pattern ==== extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) repl <- chartr(extr, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") stringi::stri_sub_replace(x, loc, replacement=repl) ############################################################################# # simple pattern ==== x <- rep(paste0(1:10, collapse = ""), 10) print(x) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, 1:10, regex = as.character(1:10)) cbind(1:10, out) x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- rep("a|e|i|o|u", 2) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(-1, 1), regex = p) print(out) substr(x, out[, 1], out[, 2]) ############################################################################# # ignore case pattern ==== x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) p <- rep("A|E|I|O|U", 2) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(1, -1), regex = p, case_insensitive = TRUE) substr(x, out[, 1], out[, 2]) ############################################################################# # multi-character pattern ==== x <- c(paste0(letters[1:13], collapse = ""), paste0(letters[14:26], collapse = "")) print(x) # multi-character pattern: p <- rep("AB", 2) out <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(1, -1), regex = p, case_insensitive = TRUE) print(out) substr(x, out[, 1], out[, 2]) ############################################################################# # Replacement transformation using stringi ==== x <- c("hello world", "goodbye world") loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, c(1, -1), regex = "a|e|i|o|u") extr <- stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc) repl <- chartr(extr, old = "a-zA-Z", new = "A-Za-z") stringi::stri_sub_replace(x, loc, replacement = repl) ############################################################################# # Boundaries ==== test <- c( paste0("The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. ", "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. 123 456 789"), "good morning, good evening, and good night" ) loc <- stri_locate_ith_boundaries(test, i = c(1, -1), type = "word") stringi::stri_sub(test, from = loc)
The x %[if]% cond
selects elements from vector/matrix/array x
for which the result of cond(x)
returns TRUE
And the x %[!if]% cond
selects elements from vector/matrix/array x
for which the result of cond(x)
returns FALSE
The x %unreal =% repl
modifies all unreal (NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf
) values of x
with replacement value repl
Thus, x %unreal =% repl
is the same as, x[is.na(x) | is.nan(x) | is.infinite(x)] <- repl
x %[if]% cond x %[!if]% cond x %unreal =% repl
x %[if]% cond x %[!if]% cond x %unreal =% repl
x |
a vector, matrix, or array. |
cond |
a (possibly anonymous) function that returns a |
repl |
the replacement value. |
For the x %[if]% cond
and x %[!if]% cond
The subset_if - operators all return a vector with the selected elements.
For the x %unreal =% repl
The x %unreal =% repl
operator does not return any value:
It is an in-place modifier, and thus modifies x
The object x
is modified such that all
, NaN
, Inf
, and -Inf
elements are replaced with repl
x <- c(-10:9, NA, NA) object_with_very_long_name <- matrix(x, ncol=2) print(object_with_very_long_name) object_with_very_long_name %[if]% \(x)x %in% 1:10 object_with_very_long_name %[!if]% \(x)x %in% 1:10 x <- c(1:9, NA, NaN, Inf) print(x) x %unreal =% 0 # same as x[is.na(x)|is.nan(x)|is.infinite(x)] <- 0 print(x)
x <- c(-10:9, NA, NA) object_with_very_long_name <- matrix(x, ncol=2) print(object_with_very_long_name) object_with_very_long_name %[if]% \(x)x %in% 1:10 object_with_very_long_name %[!if]% \(x)x %in% 1:10 x <- c(1:9, NA, NaN, Inf) print(x) x %unreal =% 0 # same as x[is.na(x)|is.nan(x)|is.infinite(x)] <- 0 print(x)
The transform_if()
function transforms an object x
based on the logical result (TRUE, FALSE, NA
of condition function cond(x)
or logical vector cond
such that:
For every value where cond(x)==TRUE
/ cond==TRUE
function yes(x)
is run or scalar yes
is returned.
For every value where cond(x)==FALSE
/ cond==FALSE
function no(x)
is run or scalar no
is returned.
For every value where cond(x)==NA
/ cond==NA
function other(x)
is run or scalar other
is returned.
For a more ifelse
-like function where
, no
, and other
are vectors,
see kit::
transform_if(x, cond, yes = function(x) x, no = function(x) x, other = NA)
transform_if(x, cond, yes = function(x) x, no = function(x) x, other = NA)
x |
a vector, matrix, or array. |
cond |
either an object of class |
yes |
the (possibly anonymous) transformation function to use
when function |
no |
the (possibly anonymous) transformation function to use
when function |
other |
the (possibly anonymous) transformation function to use
when function |
Be careful with coercion! For example the following code:
x <- c("a", "b") transform_if(x, \(x) x == "a", as.numeric, as.logical)
[1] NA NA
due to the same character vector being given 2 incompatible classes.
The transformed vector, matrix, or array (attributes are conserved).
x <- c(-10:9, NA, NA) object <- matrix(x, ncol = 2) attr(object, "helloworld") <- "helloworld" print(object) y <- 0 z <- 1000 object |> transform_if(\(x) x > y, log, \(x) x^2, \(x) -z) object |> transform_if(object > y, log, \(x) x^2, -z) # same as previous line
x <- c(-10:9, NA, NA) object <- matrix(x, ncol = 2) attr(object, "helloworld") <- "helloworld" print(object) y <- 0 z <- 1000 object |> transform_if(\(x) x > y, log, \(x) x^2, \(x) -z) object |> transform_if(object > y, log, \(x) x^2, -z) # same as previous line
The with_pro()
and aes_pro()
are standard-evaluated versions of the expression-evaluation functions
with and ggplot2::
These alternative functions are more programmatically friendly:
They use proper standard evaluation,
through the usage of one-sided formulas,
instead of non-standard evaluation,
tidy evaluation,
or similar programmatically unfriendly evaluations.
with_pro(data, form) aes_pro(...)
with_pro(data, form) aes_pro(...)
data |
a list, environment, or data.frame. |
form |
a one-sided formula giving the expression to evaluate in |
... |
arguments to be passed to |
The aes_pro()
function is the standard evaluated alternative to
Due to the way aes_pro()
is programmed,
it should work even if the tidy evaluation technique
changes in 'ggplot2'.
To support functions in combinations with references of the variables,
the input used here are formula inputs, rather than string inputs.
See the Examples section below.
For with_pro()
: see with.
For aes_pro()
: see ggplot2::
Non-Standard Evaluation (sometimes abbreviated as "NSE"),
is somewhat controversial.
Consider the following example:
aplot <- "ggplot2" library(aplot)
What package will be attached? It will not be 'ggplot2',
nor will an error occur.
Instead, the package 'aplot' will be attached.
This is due to evaluating the expression 'aplot' as a quoted expression,
instead of evaluating the contents (i.e. string or formula) of the variable.
In other words: Non-Standard Evaluation.
Regular Standard Evaluation does not have the above problem.
The with_pro()
function, like the original with function,
is made for primarily for convenience.
When using modelling or graphics functions with an explicit data
(and typically using formulas),
it is typically preferred to use the data
argument of that function,
rather than to use either with(data, ...)
or with_pro(data, ...)
requireNamespace("ggplot2") d <- import_data("ggplot2", "mpg") # mutate data: myform <- ~ displ + cyl + cty + hwy d$mysum <- with_pro(d, myform) summary(d) # plotting data: x <- ~ cty y <- ~ sqrt(hwy) color <- ~ drv ggplot2::ggplot(d, aes_pro(x, y, color = color)) + ggplot2::geom_point()
requireNamespace("ggplot2") d <- import_data("ggplot2", "mpg") # mutate data: myform <- ~ displ + cyl + cty + hwy d$mysum <- with_pro(d, myform) summary(d) # plotting data: x <- ~ cty y <- ~ sqrt(hwy) color <- ~ drv ggplot2::ggplot(d, aes_pro(x, y, color = color)) + ggplot2::geom_point()
The help.import()
finds the help file for functions or topics,
including exposed functions/operators as well as functions in a package alias object.
The is.tinyimport()
checks if an alias object or an exposed function is of class tinyimport
i.e. if it is an object produced by the
import_as, import_inops, or import_LL function.
The attr.import()
gets one or all special attribute(s)
from an alias object returned by import_as.
help.import(..., i, alias) is.tinyimport(x) attr.import(alias, which = NULL)
help.import(..., i, alias) is.tinyimport(x) attr.import(alias, which = NULL)
... |
further arguments to be passed to help. |
i |
either one of the following:
alias |
the alias object as created by the import_as function. |
x |
an existing object (i.e. an assigned variable or a locked constant) to be tested. |
which |
The attributes to list. If |
For help.import(...)
Do not use the topic
/ package
/ alias
argument sets together.
It's either one set or the other.
For example:
import_as(~ mr., "magrittr") import_inops(mr.) help.import(i = mr.$add) help.import(i = `%>%`) help.import(i = "add", alias = mr.) help.import(topic = "%>%", package = "magrittr") help.import("%>%", package = "magrittr") # same as previous line
For help.import()
Opens the appropriate help page.
For is.tinyimport()
Returns TRUE
if the function is produced by
import_as, import_inops, or import_LL,
and returns FALSE
if it is not.
For attr.import(alias, which = NULL)
All special attributes of the given alias object are returned as a list.
For attr.import(alias, which = "pkgs")
Returns a list with 3 elements:
packages_order: a character vector of package names, giving the packages in the order they were imported in the alias object.
main_package: a string giving the name of the main package. Re-exported functions, if present, are taken together with the main package.
re_exports.pkgs: a character vector of package names,
giving the packages from which the re-exported functions in the main package were taken.
For attr.import(alias, which = "conflicts")
The order in which packages are imported in the alias object
(see attribute pkgs$packages_order
Functions from later named packages overwrite those from earlier named packages,
in case of conflicts.
The "conflicts" attribute returns a data.frame showing exactly which functions overwrite
functions from earlier named packages, and as such "win" the conflicts.
For attr.import(alias, which = "args")
Returns a list of input arguments.
These were the arguments supplied to import_as when
the alias object in question was created.
For attr.import(alias, which = "ordered_object_names")
Gives the names of the objects in the alias, in the order as they were imported.
For conflicting objects, the last imported ones are used for the ordering.
Note that if argument re_exports
re-exported functions are imported when the main package is imported,
thus changing this order slightly.
import_as(~ to., "tinycodet") import_inops(to.) `%s==%` <- stringi::`%s==%` is.tinyimport(to.) # returns TRUE is.tinyimport(`%:=%`) # returns TRUE is.tinyimport(`%s==%`) # returns FALSE: not imported by tinycodet import system attr.import(to., which = "conflicts")
import_as(~ to., "tinycodet") import_inops(to.) `%s==%` <- stringi::`%s==%` is.tinyimport(to.) # returns TRUE is.tinyimport(`%:=%`) # returns TRUE is.tinyimport(`%s==%`) # returns FALSE: not imported by tinycodet import system attr.import(to., which = "conflicts")